目前分類:愛無疆界 (5)

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瑞士 Switzerland / 2010 / 尼可拉.貝魯奇 Nicola Bellucci / 85 min


A touching, poetic exploration of the relationship between mind, body and sound, and a cinematic journey to the borders of communication. The extraordinary story of Wolfgang Fasser, a blind musician who helps severely disabled children to find their place in the world. Through the use of all kinds of sound, Fasser establishes a method that dramatically improves their abilities of expression and perception.


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 比利時 Belgium / 2009 / 莎拉.蒙.荷威 Sarah Moon Howe / 47 min


How do you cope with being told your child has a handicap? All your dreams shatter in the face. But, very quickly, these feelings give way to others. "In order to stay alive, I filmed about me and my son and I toured with a dance troop. If I wanted to help him, I had to take care of myself ". In case of loss of pressure, air hostesses advise parents to put their own oxygen mask on first, then that of their children.


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 德國,以色列 Germany,Israel / 2010 / 托默.賀曼 Tomer Heymann / 70 min



Seventy years after his grandfather escapes from Nazi Germany to Palestine, the director returns to the country of his ancestors to present his film at the Berlin International Film Festival, and there meets a man who will change his life. This film tells a personal but universal love story and follows the triangular relationship between Tomer, his German boyfriend, and his intensely Israeli mother.

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台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 周麗鈞、潘巨忠 Li-chun Chou, Chu-chung Pan / 90 min


Yan Ting is both green and blue because he likes two girls at the same time. He suffers from Autism and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He struggles with being at once afraid of the crowded place but also loving to go. Whatever he touches, he must kiss to release anxiety inside him. In Chinlung Development Center, there are a group of respectful teachers who are trying to help Ting pursue the life he wants.


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 荷蘭 Netherlands / 2010 / 漢斯.多曼 Hans Dortmans / 54 min


快2 歲大的多洛斯是頭聰明健康的豬,常隨主人外出散步,讓地方居民嘖嘖稱奇,深受小孩喜愛。但多洛斯的主人是位屠夫,靠賣豬肉維生,與多洛斯深厚的感情讓主人陷入兩難,健康的豬同時意味著肉脂鮮美可口?還是該送牠到可以終老一生的小豬天堂樂園呢?影片以幽默動人的節奏,透過多元的角度來觀看豬的命運。 
As Dorus matures into his second year his owner has to decide whether the love for the pig runs deeper than the love for its meat. Despite its worldwide popularity, many find the pig unclean. Divine Pig takes a closer look at this most controversial animal, challenging our feelings about the pig and Dorus’ fate.


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