荷蘭 Netherlands / 2010 / 漢斯.多曼 Hans Dortmans / 54 min
快2 歲大的多洛斯是頭聰明健康的豬,常隨主人外出散步,讓地方居民嘖嘖稱奇,深受小孩喜愛。但多洛斯的主人是位屠夫,靠賣豬肉維生,與多洛斯深厚的感情讓主人陷入兩難,健康的豬同時意味著肉脂鮮美可口?還是該送牠到可以終老一生的小豬天堂樂園呢?影片以幽默動人的節奏,透過多元的角度來觀看豬的命運。
As Dorus matures into his second year his owner has to decide whether the love for the pig runs deeper than the love for its meat. Despite its worldwide popularity, many find the pig unclean. Divine Pig takes a closer look at this most controversial animal, challenging our feelings about the pig and Dorus’ fate.