獅子山 Sierra Leone / 2010 / 蕾貝卡.立其曼.柯恩 Rebecca Richman Cohen / 85 min
In the heart of Freetown, inside the “special court”, Issa Sesay awaits his trial. Is he a war criminal, guilty of heinous crimes against humanity, or a reluctant fighter who played a crucial role in bringing peace to Sierra Leone? This film puts international justice on trial for the world to see-finding that in some cases the past is not just painful, it is also opaque.
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台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 郭亮吟 Liang-yin Kuo / 46 min
1949 年,在國民政府建立台灣兵役制度之前,孫立人將軍號召成立台灣新軍。當時正是反共抗俄的年代,為了保衛大台灣,4000 多名熱血青年,被抽籤或志願參加「台灣軍士教導團」,在高雄接受軍事訓練,期待日後能擔任新軍幹部。但不久,新軍突然接到了「歸休」命令,要他們暫時「歸去休息」。誰知這一待命,卻過了50 多年都沒有退伍...
This film delivers the story of some 4,000 young Taiwanese men who enlisted for the army established by General Sun Lijen in 1949. Receiving a short period of basic military training, they were informed they could return home to wait for reentering active service. However, they have never been officially discharged up to this day…
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義大利 Italy / 2008 / 法比友.拉薩雷提,保羅.聖多里尼 Fabrizio Lazzaretti,Paolo Santolini / 90 min
穆塔沙,7 歲的阿富汗男孩,為阿富汗無數未清除地雷的受害兒童之一;雅各,15 歲的蘇丹男孩,戰爭難民,一年前因為心臟問題被迫輟學。他們兩人被送至中途醫院治療,等待傷勢痊癒。然而,院裡還有更多的傷殘病童,每個人都苦苦盼望著返家的日子。影片以細膩的攝影,捕捉了孩童們的傷痛、無辜、好玩與天真,間接反映了戰爭的
This film is about victims of war; not only the ones wounded by bombs, bullets, and mines, but the men, women, and children that, physically shattered by war, are denied the right to be cured. The main characters are two children, Murtaza and Yagoub. About their battle against a slow but relentless death sentence occurs as construction commences on the Salam Medical Center.
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