德國,瑞士 Germany,Switzerland / 2009 / 瓦德姆.傑德科 Vadim Jendreyko / 94 min
80 幾歲的斯維特拉娜被譽為:最偉大的俄國文學作品德譯者。她最新完成的杜斯妥也夫斯基5 部小說,被稱為「五頭大象」,成為她一生工作及文學成就的里程碑。她的生命歷程和其文學作品相互交織,影片追溯著這位充滿無窮力量的翻譯家,講述著她所遭遇的苦難命運、沉默的恩人、出乎意料的運氣,以及足以支撐她走過這一切的─對語言的熱愛。
Swetlana Geier, eighty-five-year old, is considered the greatest translator of Russian literature into German. Her translations of Dostoyevsky’s five great novels, known as the "five elephants". This film is following her first trip since the war back to the places of her childhood in the Ukraine. Tells of great suffering, silent helpers and unhoped-for chances – and a love of language that outshines all else.
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台灣 Taiwan / 2009 / 朱全斌 Bing Chu / 104 min
陳映真是台灣著名的作家,他的小說從社會主義觀點反映了台灣60 年來社會發展,以及政治、經濟的變化。本片以史料圖像、戲劇、動畫來介紹作家的一生,再現他重要作品中的片段,並且訪問多位不同世代的台灣當代知名文化人物,探討陳映真的人生理念如何落實在文字與行動中,同時強調他在台灣當代文學中不可忽略的文化旗手位置。
Chen Yinjen is a prominent novelist in Taiwan. His works succeed in reflecting the social, political and economic development in Taiwan during the past 60 years. This film is an attempt to review Chen’s life, to discuss how his ideals of life are implemented in writing and actions, and to demonstrate how indispensable his role is as a helmsman of the cultural development in Taiwan’s modern literature.
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荷蘭 Netherlands / 2009 / 法蘭克.凡登恩格爾 Frank van den Engel / 50 min
他是個居無定所的老流浪漢,但40 年前,他是1960 年代知名的荷蘭攝影家G.P. Fieret,曾拍攝許多女性肖像作品,照片呈現出獨特的生命氛圍。現今,他的作品價格飛漲,但並未為他個人帶來任何的利益,他常在自己攝影作品上簽名的習慣,反而成為了某種諷刺的沉默象徵。透過攝影師唏噓的一生,窺見創作、藝術、商業間的複雜關係。
With his highly personal, grainy women’s portraits, Gerard Petrus Fieret’s photographic work has a unique quality. His
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台灣 Taiwan / 2009 / 姜秀瓊,關本良 Chiang Hsiu-chiung,Kwan Pun-leung / 88 min
攝影師李屏賓永遠往前跑,從這個地方到那個地方,從這部電影到那部電影,用生命中的時時刻刻換取影片裡的分分秒秒。一秒24 格,光影流動,片中記錄的是他與台灣電影的淵源情感,他對攝影的思索與投入,多年來豐碩的工作成果,以及長繫心頭的家人親情。如風的節奏,呼應著他作品的特質,也彷彿他生活中不斷旅行、工作的頻
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台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 陳婉真 Chen Yuan-chen / 34 min
早晨,她刷著牙,看著鏡子,瞬間不太認得鏡子裡的那個人。長久以來,她只是獨自在鏡前,反覆練習以各種方式掩飾自己歪斜的嘴。這一天,她決心動手術,將10 年多來隨著成長而逐漸歪斜的下顎骨,放回它應該在的位置。當強烈厭惡著自己身體的某一部份時,該如何和它相處? 這是一個關於討厭自己身體的自拍故事。
Just like any other ordinary morning, she brushes her teeth, but when she looks at the mirror, she suddenly does not recognize the person staring back at her. 3 years ago, she decided to get surgery to put her crooked jaw back where it should be. How do you get along with that part of the body you absolutely loathe? This is a story about a person who does not like her body and decides to take action.
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