荷蘭 Netherlands / 2009 / 法蘭克.凡登恩格爾 Frank van den Engel / 50 min
他是個居無定所的老流浪漢,但40 年前,他是1960 年代知名的荷蘭攝影家G.P. Fieret,曾拍攝許多女性肖像作品,照片呈現出獨特的生命氛圍。現今,他的作品價格飛漲,但並未為他個人帶來任何的利益,他常在自己攝影作品上簽名的習慣,反而成為了某種諷刺的沉默象徵。透過攝影師唏噓的一生,窺見創作、藝術、商業間的複雜關係。
With his highly personal, grainy women’s portraits, Gerard Petrus Fieret’s photographic work has a unique quality. His
international breakthrough means prices for his work are rocketing, but Fieret himself didn’t actually reap any benefits.He died in 2009 at the age of 85. At the end of his life a major discovery is made: in the mole catcher’s cottage, negatives which were thought to have been lost are discovered.