台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 郭明珠 Kuo Ming-chu / 59 min
2008 年台北市街頭出現了4 名天線寶寶,胸前掛著螢幕播放短片、發文宣,在幽默的頭套下,其實是4 個被惡意解雇的故事。他們原在台北市路邊停車格開單收費的市府員工,只求一份穩定的工作,烈日豪雨都要上工,但市府卻要將停車收費工作委外辦理。作為市民、城市的主人,我們只想問:給這些辛苦工作的人一份正職工作,何過之有!
In 2008, on the streets of Taipei, four Teletubbies appeared. They had monitors on their chests, and they dispatched DMs. They were four of Taipei’s government employees who had been laid off. No matter how hot the day or how heavy the rains were, they worked hard in the parking lots just to have stable work. But then the government shifted the operating rights to outer companies. This is a film about their anger to politicians who did not keep their words.
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台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 賀照緹 HO, Chao-ti / 56 min
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台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 陳素香 Susan Chen / 56 min
2004 年,125 名來自菲律賓的女性移工因老闆掏空資產,3 個月拿不到薪水,於是向台灣國際勞工協會(TIWA)求助。TIWA 一邊組織著她們的抗爭行動,也一邊記錄下移工的集體抗爭事件。但拍著拍著,鏡頭裡開始出現雙雙對對的同志伴侶,她們總是互相依偎,溫馨甜蜜,抗爭紀錄遂意外發展成愛的故事。看她們以無比的勇氣,為愛勇往直前,共赴天涯。
In late 2004, 125 Philippines women migrant workers came to the Taiwan International Workers' Association (TIWA) to file complaints for not receiving their salary. While filming, there were sweet scenes of lesbian couples cuddling each other in front of the camera. This documentary of a labor struggle unexpectedly became love stories. These women courageously fight against the state policies while struggling for love!
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南韓 South Korea / 2009 / 朴奉南 Bong-nam Park / 93 min
Everyday some 20,000 people in Chittagong risk their lives for 2 dollars. They dismantle retired old ships from all over the world. An average of 20 workers dies in Chittagong every year. A 21-year old Belal who left home 10 years ago, a skilled worker Rufik who has devoted all his 32 years in Chittagong and a 12-year old young child laborer Ekramul tell a heart-breaking story of their lives with breathtaking views of the ship breaking yards.
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台灣 Taiwan / 2009 / 張永明,陳榮顯 Chang Yong-ming,Chen Rong-sian / 83 min
影片透過一名老攝影師的口述和記憶,重返綠島,回顧那段被時間碾壓破碎的集中營生活,銘記著長達15 年的島嶼生活與生命意志。人該如何抗拒遺忘?看著一張張歷歷在目的當時照片,面對歷史事件與自身經驗,複雜與矛盾的糾結情感不斷湧現。當整個時代選擇遺忘時,只有他一人踽踽獨行於過去不堪的歷史與記憶中。
This film is about my journey back to Green Island and my memories of camping and taking photographs there for 15 years. These personal memories give a new perspective not focused on the historical significance of the island.
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蒙古 Mongolia / 2010 / 邊姆巴.薩克亞 Byamba Sakhya / 83 min
Being the most celebrated and honored film director in Mongolia, Jigjid could not realize his true talent under the political sensor. Meanwhile, his son Binder’s future is marked by freedom and inspiration. To survive in the market-driven society he is producing extremely low-budget commercial movies, while dreaming about magnificent creations.
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台灣 Taiwan / 2009 / 馬躍.比吼 Mayaw Biho / 57 min
12 年前,從台東來的美華一家7 人,來到三峽鶯歌橋下的三鶯部落。他們用雙手建立了自己的家園,但美華的弟弟出生尚未滿月,房子就被台北縣政府以違建名義拆除。美華一家8 人離開,兩年後又搬回三鶯部落。2009 年他們的房子再次被拆除了。「房子被拆,你們要怎麼辦?」,對美華一家人來說,答案很簡單,被拆?再蓋就好了啊!
Mei-hua’s family of seven from Taitung came to the San-ying Village 12 years ago. They built their home by their own bare hands. After one month Mei-hua’s youngest brother was born, the house they were living in was torn to the ground by Taipei County Government for violating building laws. When they were asked, “What are you going to do now? Their answer was very simple- If they tear it down, we’ll build it again!
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台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 顏蘭權、莊益增 Yen Lan-chuan, Juang Yi-tzeng / 140 min
《無米樂》導演的最新力作!這是一部涉及台灣戰後60年的愛情、歷史紀錄片。在保守的50 年代,還在讀高中的田孟淑與大她16 歲的田朝明醫師相戀私奔。他們因為愛情而結合,一起牽手走過時代的大風大浪,以及生命的喜怒哀樂。影片從生命史出發,呈現著大時代如何影響小人物,小人物如何堅持理想、堅持愛情,不改其志,從一而終。
What could the tough-looking Mrs. Tian Meng-shu fall prey
to? Not the martial law, but love! This documentary focuses on the love story between Dr. Tian and Mrs. Tian. It begins with their romance and then describes how passionately Mrs. Tian takes care of her husband. This film shows a symphony of life’s bitterness and sweetness and its difficulties and simplicities.
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台灣 Taiwan / 2009 / 薛常慧 Waro Hsueh / 96 min
那是一個最保守的年代,也是一個輝煌的時代! 25 年前,曾經風靡東南亞的「藝霞歌舞劇團」是台灣史上經營最久、規模最大的歌舞團,但卻在最顛峰的時候倏然畫下句點,讓那年代的無數影迷們留下無限遺憾。25 年後,他們為了教導年輕學生,重新集結起來準備復出舞台,要讓舊影迷重溫美好時光,也讓年輕世代重新發現台灣的歌舞光輝!
In the musical history of Taiwan, E.SHA Singing and Dancing Group, known as the Takarazuka Revue in Taiwan, was in the spotlight for 24 years with their creative and lavish performance style. It all came to an end in 1984. This film documents their comeback twenty-some years later when the former stars began to reproduce their performances with a group of young students.
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昔日拼貼 Resampling the Past
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 馬可.威姆斯 Marco Wilms / 16 min
德國導演重新剪輯敘述台灣1945 年至1985 年變遷史的宣傳影片,以現代角度重新編排歷史影像,呈現出一種當代的、宛如資料影帶構成的歌劇片。跟隨著影片中的情感,勾勒出導演本身對現代台灣歷史的認知。
The director uses modern perspective to re-edit archive footages of Taiwan from 1945 to 1985. The film displays a contemporary musical of historical images, the film displays the director’s knowledge of Taiwan history.
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