台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 陳素香 Susan Chen / 56 min
2004 年,125 名來自菲律賓的女性移工因老闆掏空資產,3 個月拿不到薪水,於是向台灣國際勞工協會(TIWA)求助。TIWA 一邊組織著她們的抗爭行動,也一邊記錄下移工的集體抗爭事件。但拍著拍著,鏡頭裡開始出現雙雙對對的同志伴侶,她們總是互相依偎,溫馨甜蜜,抗爭紀錄遂意外發展成愛的故事。看她們以無比的勇氣,為愛勇往直前,共赴天涯。
In late 2004, 125 Philippines women migrant workers came to the Taiwan International Workers' Association (TIWA) to file complaints for not receiving their salary. While filming, there were sweet scenes of lesbian couples cuddling each other in front of the camera. This documentary of a labor struggle unexpectedly became love stories. These women courageously fight against the state policies while struggling for love!