阿蕊的家庭理髮 My Life-long Hair
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 傅天余 Fu Tien-yu / 15 min
台中市某條小巷裡,藏著一家經營40 年的家庭理髮店。老闆娘阿蕊從事家庭理髮已經整整50 個年頭,她的店記錄了附近許多人的成長。阿蕊從一個鄉下來到都市學習一技之長的少女,變成兒女成群的快樂阿嬤。
Hidden in a back alley in Taichung is a forty-year-old familyrun saloon. The owner, Rei, has been working as a hairdresser for more than five decades. Her saloon has witnessed the lives of her neighbors.